e-Insight EDI is a robust application that will take your EDI documents and translate the raw data including start/cancel dates, 850 order type, new store order, initial store order and other details from the original 850 PO from your customer into individual sales orders. e-Insight EDI also generates the proper file layouts in order to send EDI transactions back out to your trading partners. e-Insight EDI is built to handle large volumes of EDI 850 purchase orders, process through shipping with 856/ASN’s and 810 invoicing, with minimal user intervention or re-keying of data.
e-Insight for EDI can work with products such as MAS90/200/500, QuickBooks, Peachtree Accounting, and many other products.
e-Insight EDI handles all customer store locations, links to respective distribution center records, and bill to customer ids. The original 850 document is stored for future reference and to ensure that your outbound EDI documents reference the correct original 850 data. e-Insight EDI supports use of the SDQ segment if your customer issues PO’s using this format.
Item Numbers
e-Insight EDI items table supports your internal part number, your customer’s item number and your UPC number. Additionally e-Insight EDI can be configured so that multiple customers can have their customer numbers associated with one internal part number. Part numbers can be alpha-numeric and can be multi-segmented.
Multiple Locations
e-Insight EDI inventory allows for multi-warehouse and multi-location configuration. Shipments can be selected by warehouse. Consolidated shipments are automatically picked by distribution center or customer location, and picked based on open or backordered sales orders by earliest order date for the specified warehouse. Items can be picked from any listed location in the specified warehouse.
Automated Shipping
e-Insight EDI selects all orders based on criteria you set such as for a selected Ship To/Distribution Center/Bill To number, start date being equal to/greater than/or range of dates, match a customer purchase order number, ship from a selected warehouse, and with a max cube setting for the trailer, in order to consolidate orders. e-Insight EDI will create shipping documents, pick lists, and summarize by product numbers being shipped and viewable in a single consolidated shipping record.
Bill of Lading
e-Insight EDI Bill of Lading shows all orders to be loaded on the truck, sorted by ship to location, as well as totals by customer purchase order number, and by NMFC code. SCAC codes are supported. You can enter trailer numbers, seal numbers, CAN codes, Pro Numbers and tracking numbers depending upon customer requirements or your business needs. All UCC containers on the load are also linked to the Bill of Lading and details are viewable – cartons, pallets, etc.
e-Insight EDI Bill of Lading also creates packing lists, manifests, will generate your 856/ASN and print the Bill of Lading utilizing SmartBoL from ADi International. e-Insight EDI supports master and sub Bill of Lading printing.
GS1/UCC Labels
e-Insight EDI can be configured to print your GS1/UCC labels. Labels are designed using the Loftware Label Designer. Labels are printed using the Loftware Print Server so that multiple printers can be used and printed across the internet. e-Insight EDI sends out label data that Loftware picks up for processing into your label formats. Each customer can have a unique label.
Invoicing and Factoring
e-Insight EDI will generate your required 810 Invoices after the ASN is generated. All invoices related to the Bill of Lading are processed together or invoicing can be processed by day. e-Insight EDI also supports summary invoicing. e-Insight EDI can support factoring and creating proper documentation to send to your factor.
VAN Interface
e-Insight EDI utilizes FrEDI from User Friendly Systems for the actual communication to and from your EDI mailbox. Communication specific information on your trading partners is stored in FrEDI, as well as details on the transaction sets your customers require. Use your VAN and we connect via FTP
Overseas Shipping
e-Insight EDI supports receipt of ocean container shipments and direct shipments from overseas to your customers. Vessel numbers are supported as well as standard port ids and handle codes.
Wireless Bar Code Scanner Support
e-Insight EDI supports Windows CE based wireless bar code scanners. Scanners support picking, movement, put away and inventory functions. Intuitive menus on the scanner make for ease of use. Data is sent and received via a web server configured on your servers to access data real time. Scanners can be utilized in all your warehouses easily.
e-Insight EDI has many standard reports allowing you to view your activity for customers, items, inventory, invoicing and related tables. Many reports can be user modified when run to allow changing the selection criteria for the report and sort orders. Custom reports can be developed to handle any unique business requirements.
Supported Transaction Sets
e-Insight EDI handles the following transaction sets so that you can easily read and understand the data in window or browser based forms:
- 810 Invoices - individual invoices by ship to location or summary invoicing
- 812 Credit Debit Adjustments – requests adjustments or billback charges
- 816 Organizational Relationships – maintain Location Relationships and Addresses
- 824 Application Advice – Acceptance, Rejection or Acceptance with Changes
- 830 Planning Schedule – Forecast and Releases
- 850 Purchase Orders – supports current requirements including SLN and SDQ
- 852 Product Activity – Report Inventory counts and changes
- 856 ASN’s – creates record with single button click and supports UCC and GTIN numbering
- 860 Purchase Order Change Requests – to communicate changes, additions, deletions to a PO
- 864 Text Messages – Communicating and Relating Location Information
- 869 Order Status Inquiries – Requests PO information or Line Level Information
- 870 Order Status Report
- 997 Functional Acknowledgements
- 753 Request for Routing Instructions – including information of orders ready to be shipped
- 754 Routing Instructions – for specific shipments
- Additional Transaction Sets supported in the future based on demand.
Table Requirements
e-Insight EDI has requirements for tables to be populated in order to work properly. These tables include Customer and Vendor Locations (Vendor Table used for truck load and LTL Carriers), Sales Orders, Parts and Inventory, Consolidation, Bill of Lading, and Invoicing/AR. There are many smaller support tables configured by customer to handle data validation and setting of default values.
e-Insight EDI can also be configured to use Purchase Orders, Containers for Ocean Shipments, Receipts of PO Items, Bill of Materials and related tables.
System Requirements
e-Insight EDI runs on Windows Server 2003 and 2008 including 64-bit versions and some Linux distributions. The desktop OS can be XP Pro, Vista or Windows 7. e-Insight EDI can run remotely via Remote Desktop Connections or Citrix. e-Insight EDI comes with a browser based option and supports IE7 and higher, Firefox, Opera and Safari web browsers.
e-Insight EDI is a multi-user utility with a minimum configuration of 3 users. One user is dedicated as a system user to handle various housekeeping tasks to keep the system synchronized and indexes updated properly among other tasks.
e-Insight EDI can be hosted locally, hosted at a remote facility or hosted ‘in the cloud’. Where you wish to run e-Insight EDI is up to you and your business security processes.
Integration with Other Applications
e-Insight EDI can be integrated with other applications using database products such as Microsoft SQL Server 2008, mySQL, Universe, Unidata, D3 and others. This can be via a direct read/update of existing tables in your application or via an intermediate table you define and then move via your own utilities. All that is necessary is the database name, username and password to access the data. We will work with your IT department or application vendor to facilitate getting the proper data in a format that your other application needs for proper updating. e-Insight for EDI can work with products such as MAS90/200/500, QuickBooks, Peachtree Accounting, and many other products.
e-Insight EDI has also been configured to work with a customer web portal if the portal can generate a file, either csv or excel format. The data can be processed into files using the same technology and procedures as the standard EDI format. This allows you to use your customer’s portal technology plus gets the data into your system so that you can control the data and report on your metrics. |